
Brand Identity

Tonkadale Greenhouses, a beloved haven for gardening enthusiasts, embarked on a journey to refresh its brand identity. The mission was clear from the start: create a cohesive set of guidelines to ensure that every interaction with Tonkadale reflects its essence of community, simplicity, and sustainability. Through meticulous design and strategic planning, we aimed to equip Tonkadale with the tools necessary to maintain consistency and coherence across the Tonkadale experience.

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Perspective showing nook between bedrooms on the second floor. The window leads to a terrace on top of the kitchen below. Aerial view of our OnOlive proposal.Section view of OnOlive competition entry, informed by the shotgun house typology.
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Our goal was simple: develop a comprehensive brand guideline system that acts as a roadmap for Tonkadale's visual identity. From logos to colors, typography, and layout, our aim was to provide clear instructions that anyone—from designers to marketers—could follow easily. By doing so, we aimed to strengthen Tonkadale's brand presence and foster trust among its audience.

We started by diving deep into Tonkadale's brand story, exploring its values, personality, and target audience. Armed with insights, we began crafting each element of the brand guidelines, ensuring that they not only looked great but also served a purpose. Through collaboration and iteration, we refined our designs to perfection, aligning them with Tonkadale's vision and objectives.

Our brand guideline system encompasses everything needed to maintain Tonkadale's visual identity:

• Logo Variations: Tailored versions for different applications, ensuring versatility and consistency.

• Clear Space & Minimum Size: Defined parameters to maintain logo integrity across various contexts.

• Color Palette: A harmonious blend of Moss Green, Mustard Yellow, and Mosey Beige, carefully selected for impact and versatility.

• Typography: The elegant Chaparral Pro font, chosen for its clarity and sophistication across all communications.

• Graphic Elements: Minimalist yet impactful designs, including horizontal lines and photography guidelines, to evoke Tonkadale's essence.

• Layout Guidelines: Dynamic compositions that prioritize readability and engagement across all collateral.

With the implementation of our brand guidelines, Tonkadale has achieved a consistent and recognizable brand identity. From its website to its marketing materials, every touchpoint now reflects Tonkadale's values and personality, strengthening its connection with its audience and enhancing brand trust.

The Tonkadale Greenhouses Brand Guidelines not only represent a design solution but also a commitment to elevating brands through strategic design. By providing clear directives and standards, we have equipped Tonkadale with the tools needed to maintain a consistent and impactful brand presence, ensuring its enduring success in the marketplace.