VitisGen III

Identity, Packaging, Research
2022 - 2024

VitisGen3 stands as the pinnacle of a visionary USDA-funded grape breeding endeavor that spans over a decade. Originating with VitisGen in 2012, the project has continuously embraced cutting-edge technologies and socioeconomic insights to accelerate the discovery and development of superior grapevines. With each iteration, including VitisGen2 in 2017, the project has propelled grape breeding into new realms of efficiency and disease resistance. As VitisGen3 embarks on its mission, it aims not only to refine these advancements but also to expand its reach and impact across the grape industry.

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Perspective showing nook between bedrooms on the second floor. The window leads to a terrace on top of the kitchen below. Aerial view of our OnOlive proposal.Section view of OnOlive competition entry, informed by the shotgun house typology.
Project Story

Embarking on the task of designing for VitisGen3 was a thrilling journey that demanded a blend of creativity, strategic thinking, and a deep understanding of the project's mission and values. Here's a glimpse into the process work involved

1. Immersion and Research: The journey commenced with a deep dive into the world of grape breeding, exploring the rich history and achievements of VitisGen3 and its predecessors. Understanding the project's objectives, target audience, and desired brand image was crucial in laying the foundation for the design process

2. Conceptualization and Ideation: Armed with insights gathered from the research phase, the next step involved brainstorming and sketching out initial design concepts. These concepts were inspired by the project's core values of innovation, collaboration, and sustainability, aiming to encapsulate these themes visually.

3. Iterative Design Refinement: With a handful of promising concepts in hand, the iterative refinement process began. Feedback from project stakeholders played a pivotal role in shaping the direction of the designs, guiding adjustments and revisions until a consensus was reached on the most effective visual representation of VitisGen3.

4. Logo Development: The focal point of the design process was the creation of a logo that serves as the visual embodiment of VitisGen3's identity. This involved experimenting with various shapes, symbols, and typography to craft a logo that not only resonates with the project's ethos but also stands out and commands attention.

5. Brand Identity Establishment: Beyond the logo, establishing a cohesive brand identity was essential in ensuring consistency and coherence across all touchpoints. This phase involved selecting a harmonious color palette, typography that reflects the project's personality, and defining guidelines for the use of imagery and visual elements.

6. Wine Label Design Experimentation: As part of the broader branding strategy, the design process extended to crafting wine labels that would serve as vehicles for testing different marketing approaches. From elegant and traditional to modern and eco-conscious, a range of label designs were explored to gauge their impact on consumer perception and behavior.

7. Integration and Implementation: Once the designs were finalized and approved, the focus shifted towards integrating them into various communication channels and materials. Whether it be digital platforms, print collateral, or physical products like wine bottles, meticulous attention to detail was crucial to ensure seamless implementation of the brand identity.

8. Feedback and Iteration: The design journey didn't end with implementation. Continuous feedback loops and periodic evaluations were instrumental in refining and optimizing the designs over time. This iterative approach allowed for ongoing improvements and ensured that the visual identity of VitisGen3 remained dynamic and responsive to evolving needs and trends.