Flaws In Our Design

Odesza & Yellow House

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When the Washington duo ODESZA emerged in the early 2010s, they were college beatsmiths making chill stoner soundscapes for tapestried bedrooms—a soothing alternative to more aggro EDM counterparts of the time. Since then, EDM has largely become gentler, and ODESZA has become a proper stadium act: heartstring-tugging vocal harmonies, swelling synths, quivering trap beats, custom light shows, the whole nine yards. This six-track collaborative EP with the Cape Town-based musician Yellow House has a foot in both worlds, adding a touch of Summer of Love psychedelia to ODESZA’s electric symphonies. Pleasantly trippy ’60s folk melodies are underlaid by subtle breakbeats and future-bass builds, like Sgt. Pepper and his Lonely Hearts Club Band playing Bonnaroo at golden hour.

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