Music of the Spheres


Space RockGalactic PopAtmosphericUpliftingEtherealSynth-DrivenK-Pop

Coldplay's approach to album-making is rooted in structure and discipline, starting with an agreed-upon title that guides every aspect of the project, from songwriting to production style to visuals. For their latest album, "Music of the Spheres," this system proved invaluable, especially amid the challenges of a global pandemic. With a vision for a larger-than-life affair helmed by Swedish producer Max Martin, the band anticipated the album's grandiose sound and collaborations, including tracks featuring Selena Gomez and K-pop sensation BTS. Lead single "Higher Power" epitomizes their blockbuster intentions, while the album's youthful spirit is reflected in tracks with emoji titles. Coldplay's meticulous planning and collaboration with Martin culminate in an album that transcends boundaries and sets the stage for stadium-sized performances.

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